After the warmup she wastes no time jumping right into the first exercise, which is swings using a dumbbell. The workout is set up in circuits. You do each circuit twice before moving onto the next.
The first circuit goes like this:
Dumbbell swings right
Clean and press right
Overhead squat right
Oblique twist upper cut move right (no idea what this move is called but it is the move Ilaria is doing on the DVD cover)
Repeat all moves with the left arm
Second circuit:
Pull back row into squat right
Circle weight overhead into squat right
Side to side weighted cross punches
Repeat on left
Third circuit:
Renegade rows right
Repeat on left
Fourth circuit:
5 sets of 10 pushups
Ab move where you hold weights up in a static bench prench and bring your left leg up to your right hand and your left leg up to your right hand
Russian twists
Repeat ab exercises (no second set of pushups)
This is followed by a 3 min seated stretch segment.
What can I say? I love Ilaria!! She has an AMAZING physique, and she is motivating without being cocky. She never has a 'check out my muscles' look about her. She simply inspires and encourages by using perfect form and giving great instruction and encouragement.
I highly recommend watching the introduction chapter as Ilaria describes and/or demos several moves.
Great workout. Will give you major DOMS in your obliques and shoulders.
DOMS-inducing factor: 8.5/10
Fun factor: 8/10
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