This workout is broken into two segments; lower body and upper body, though you can do the entire workout straight through for a total body workout. The workout is 48 min total, but that includes a 6 min warmup and 10 min of stretches. The lower body segment was about 16 min, followed by a 5 min cooldown/stretch, which also serves as the warmup for the upper body segment, which came in around 15. This workout uses the purple/blue Fanny Lifter (I used my High Step, which worked awesomely) and various sets of dumbbells.
Jen Carman did an okay job. I think she really excels doing cardio or aerobic weight training. This was straight sculpting. She seemed a bit more serious here than she had in her previous video leads.
The transitions between exercises threw me a bit. Upon ending one exercise she would say, "Reassmble your Fanny Lifter and grab your heavy dumbbells," but she wouldn't say what we were doing next. I think Jen used 2 sets of dumbbells but that didn't really work for me. I use differents weight for squats, leg presses, lunges, and hover squats. So though my 'heavy weight' for leg presses may be 15# dumbbells, that would be a 'light' weight for me for squats,so it would have been nice to know what came next. This is a minor quibble, however, because once I do the workout a few times, I will memorize the sequence and know what move comes next so I can grab the appropriate weights.
The lower body section included squats, lunges and dips (this segment really fried my glutes) plies, side lunges onto the Fanny Lifter, squats with leg abduction, hover squats, and 2 sets on each leg of leg presses. Though it was short, it felt quite thorough. I added a set of deadlifts at the end. I'm sure my hamstrings were worked during the lunges and leg presses, but I love deadlifts. I guess I could have added calf work too. Perhaps next time I will. I loved the first song during the lower body segment. I can't really remember the rest of the music so it must not've been annoying or anything.
Next came the upper body section. In my opinion The Firm has always lacked for upper body work (though it makes up for it with their stellar lower body work), but this routine was pretty good. Jen moved at a fairly slow pace so I was able to go heavier than I do with most Firm upper body workouts. The moves were typical but there were a few twists here and there. Kickbacks, lateral raises, overhead presses, biceps curls, pushups, etc. The only move I found to be awkward was when she got her body into table postion over the Fanny Lifter (so that her torso/stomach rested on the top of the Fanny Lifter). I simply sat on the Fanny Lifter for that portion. The triceps and shoulders felt thoroughly worked and there were a few sets of rows for the back that burned after a bit. It could have used more biceps work but those probably worked as assisting muscles during the back work. Chest was last and was comprised of presses and flies. All-in-all this was a good workout if you're looking for a total body weight workout in under 45 min. that will leave you feeling worked but not so sore you can't move afterwards.
DOMS-inducing factor: 6.5/10
Fun factor: 7/10
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